Some days you wake up feeling ready for the day. Others, not so much. So what happens when the “not so much” days outweigh the “feeling ready” days? You could be in a funk. That’s when there’s not really anything physically wrong, like an illness, or mentally wrong, like depression, you just feel off-kilter and can’t snap out of it.
That funky feeling is what this e-book is all about. When your usual pick-me-ups aren’t working, pick up this e-book. Try the exercises. See what happens. You just might start to feel a little better.
This is a digital product and you will not receive a physical product. It comes with a personal use only license. Please read the digital products terms and conditions and licensing information before purchasing. You’ll get a .pdf sized at 8.5 x 11″.

Check out these 4 ways to de-funk da funk today. You’ve got this! And I’ve got you!