It seems like a no brainer. We all have to breathe to survive. But if you’ve ever dealt with anxiety or depression, you know that sometimes, breathing isn’t that simple. Remind yourself to take a nice, deep breath when things seem overwhelming. Look at the trees and the fog and feel yourself start to relax. Take another deep breath. And another. Hang this poster someplace where you can see it everyday.
This is a digital product! You will NOT receive a physical product! This product comes with a personal use only license. Please read the Digital Product Terms and Conditions and the Licensing Information pages before you order.
You’ll receive a download with two 8.5 x 11 inch .pdf files. One will be a full page and one will have a white border so you can print it on 8.5 x 11 inch paper with 1/2″ borders and not lose any of the image.
(If you prefer to purchase this poster already printed on thick, matte poster paper, you can purchase it from our Etsy shop, Chelle’s Cozy Corner. You can find this poster here!)