Chelle's Precious Printables

Five Fun Ways to Reduce Stress in 5 minutes or Less E-Book $22

Whether you own a business, work for someone else, have kids, or are a student, you have stress in your life. While some stress is good, too much stress can be a huge problem. There are lots of articles about ways to reduce stress, but what do you do when you only have a few minutes and you can feel your tension rising?

Five Fun Ways to Reduce Stress in 5 minutes or Less can help! (There’s even a bonus 6th way!)

This is a digital product and you will not receive a physical product. It comes with a personal use AND a Commercial Use license. Please read the digital products terms and conditions and licensing information before purchasing.

You’ll get this E-Book as .pdf, a Canva Template and PowerPoint slides. With the Canva template and .ppt slides you can edit the cover, fonts, text, and images to suit your audience. You can use all of the suggestions or change some!

This is a great item to give away as a freebie/list builder for nearly any niche. Everyone has stress and all of these stress reducers can be adapted for use by anyone, with no special skills or tools, and regardless of their physical abilities.

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