More Coming Soon!
4 unique ways to de-funk da funk
Some days you wake up feeling ready for the day. Others, not so much. So what happens when the “not so much” days outweigh the “feeling ready” days? You could be in a funk. That’s when there’s not really anything physically wrong, like an illness, or mentally wrong, like depression, you just feel off-kilter and can’t snap out of it. That funky feeling . . .

5 Fantastic Ways to Answer the Dreaded Question: What’s for Dinner?
At the end of a long day, the last thing you want to hear is “What’s For Dinner?” Instead of dreading it or getting into an argument, we have 5 fun ways to make it the least stressful part of your day. With lists, recipe cards . . .
5 Questions to Help You Narrow Your Focus
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all of the work involved in your business? Are there too many things to keep track of? Do you have idea after idea but no time to implement them all? If so, this e-book is for you . . .

For Kids