All products on this page come with a PLR license.
You can read more about our licenses on the Licensing Information Page.
2024 Vertical Calendars with Colorful Frames PLR
Sometimes you need to shake things up a bit, get a fresh perspective. With this product, motivational sayings get twisted and turned around. Edit them to suit your needs! You get . . .

5 Questions to ask yourself when you’re questioning everything
Ever have one of those days where nothing is going right and you’re seriously considering throwing in the towel on your business? Or you realize your relationship isn’t going where you need it to go? Or you’re not being treated the way you deserve? What about that day job. The one you dread going to every single day. The one that leaves you drained and depressed.
If you’ve ever experienced any of the above feelings/situations . . .
5 Fantastic Ways to Answer the Dreaded Question: What’s for dinner?
At the end of a long day, the last thing you want to hear is “What’s For Dinner?” Instead of dreading it or getting into an argument, we have 5 fun ways to make it the least stressful part of your day. With lists, recipe cards . . .

Lemons Mini-Journal
What do you do when life throws you lemons? Do you throw them back? Do you make lemonade? Do you sit down and cry until your nose is running and your eyes are red and . . .

Things That Make Me Happy Add-On Pages
Extra pages that you can use to change up the Things That Make Me Happy Mini-Journals! You get . . .

Rainy Days and Sun Days Monthly Journal
Our Rainy Days and Sun Days Monthly Mood Journal has a monthly calendar where you can document each day using icons or another method. You’ll be able to tell at a glance how many days were good, bad, angry, etc. There are two pages with questions for each month and . . .
Rainy Days and Sun Days Card Deck
This fun deck takes you from sun to rain and back again! This PLR product is fully editable, in either Canva or PowerPoint. You get eight rainy day backs, eight sunny day . . .

Pretty Floral Digital Desktop Blotter Calendar
The Pretty Floral Digital Desktop Blotter Calendar recreates the look of the old blotters with the additional features of being able to add digital stickers, labels, etc. (You must have an app to use digital calendars.) Each page has a pretty floral banner, with some having a banner at the top and the bottom . . .

Primary Colors Digital Desktop Blotter Calendar
The Primary Colors Digital Desktop Blotter Calendar recreates the look of the old desk blotters, each with a different primary color scheme and the ability to add digital stickers, labels, etc. (You must have an app to use digital calendars.) You’ll get . . .
Summer Love A Mini-Journal
Do you L-O-V-E summer? Does it bring you back to the days of peace and love, camping on the beach in your van, guitar at the ready? Well, check out this . . .